The Great Bookstore/Library Bookmark Exchange

Inaugural 2024 edition!

I’m creating this page to consolidate information that I’ve initially floated on MetaFilter and also to have a place to invite friends as well!

The idea is simple:

  • Mail me 5 (with a couple of extras at your discretion, see below) bookmarks from local bookstores or libraries or “booky places” (comic shops, board game stores, literature festivals) by the end of July, 2024
  • They can all be the same, if you just have one local bookstore or library! Mixing things up will be my job.
  • Fill out the form below to let me know you’re on board.
  • I’ll wait until the end of August to make sure all the stuff has arrived
  • I’ll “remix” all the bookmarks and send 5 bookmarks back out to all participants.


I’m at

Matt Shepherd
49 Cherry St.
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 3W4

If you’re a MetaFilter user, please include your username with the bookmarks.

  • If you don’t live in easy distance of any place with bookmarks and still want bookmarks, that’s why people are sending a few extras (see above). Happy to send you some bookmarks anyway.
  • I’ll keep track of everyone privately so nobody sees anybody else’s mailing addresses, etc. Feel free to email me at if you want to confirm you’re on the list and/or that I’ve got your bookmarks and/or they’ve been sent back out or whatever.
  • Participants obviously cover costs to mail bookmarks to me but I’ll pay for the envelopes and postage to send them back out.
  • Please, just, like free, normal bookmarks. I only want to deal with standard lettermail and #10 envelopes. If your local record-store-book-store gives away bookmarks that are actually shards of shattered Donny & Marie 45s, that’s super cool and all, but I just want normal, paper-cardboard, fit-in-an envelope stuff.