The saga continues! Still not… er, funny. Not the fault of my invaluable partner, James Duncan. Writing a serial comic with a joke every four panels is difficult.
Cementing the Man-Man/Paul dynamic — basically, trying to lock down the question why Paul, who is a normal, sane person, would ever get trapped in this goon show in the first place. No great characters (other than Paul and Man-Man himself)… I think the subsequent chapters are where the cast really starts to come together.
In the “isn’t life funny” department: about a decade after these strips went up, I’d find myself packing my bags and heading to Kingston, Ontario to work at Canada’s best danged law school as their Director of Marketing and Communications. I’d fall so in love with the subject that I’d take a Certificate in Law, and am now pursuing an LLM (Master’s in Law). But the contract jokes still work.