Note: I don’t link to Meta sites or TikTok. If you’re a very small business owner or non-profit in Canada who wants a real website for free or for barter (yes, really), let me know. If you have something to add, scroll down to the bottom!
Quattrocchi’s Specialty Foods (662 Montreal St., general grocer with selection of international items)
Bearances Grocery (No website; 115 Livingston Ave., general grocer)
Cook’s Fine Foods (61 Brock St., more of a “fancy treats” store)
Tara Natural Foods (81 Princess St., natural / bulk foods)
Daughter’s General Store (63 John St., small general grocher with emphasis on natural, vegan and gluten-free foods)
Old Farm Fine Foods (204 Barrie St.; small store with specialty goods, seedlings in season)
Brynn’s Fresh Market (168 Division St., general grocer)
Namaste (277 Bath Rd., Indian)
Patel (1412 Princess St.; Indian)
Kingston Asian Super (274 Princess; Asian)
BV Buy (164 Princess; Asian)
J&K Supermarket (354 Princess; Asian)
Berance’s Grocery (115 Livingston, general grocer)
Asian Food World (No website; 639 Princess; Asian)
West End
Bayridge General Market (No website; 757 Bayridge Dr.; general grocer)
Parkway Grocery (1469 Princess St, general grocer)
Tony Deodato & Sons (100 Binnington Court; general grocer, pick-up and delivery only)
Sigrid’s Natural Foods (506 Days Road, natural / health)
KinsMart (No website, 2395 Princess; Asian)
Cook’s Fine Foods II (2395 Princess St #6; fancy treats)
Salt of the Earth (708 Front Rd.; farm market)
East End:
Salt of the Earth (1054 Highway 2; farm market)
Just past the 401:
Glenburnie Grocery (2454 Perth Rd, Glenburnie; general grocer, focus on local produce)
Memorial Centre Farmer’s Market (303 York St., sometimes moves to Princess St. for the winter. Strictly local producers’ market, Sundays only)
Kingston Public Market (Springer Market Square behind City Hall; mixed vendors, some local, some from outside the region, lots of tourist/crafts. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.)
Lionhearts Pop-Ups Markets (Fresh food; pay what you can. Various locations and times.)
Hey, a map:
- Grocery Checkout (at Queen’s) is actually a small chain.
- The line between a “convenience store” and a “grocery” is surprisingly hard to figure out sometimes, but I erred on the side of inclusion for stores like Daughters and Old Farm, exclusion for things like Campus One Stop.
- Sticking to just Kingston for now, with an exception for places I can reasonably get to without a car, like Glenburnie.